Helpful instructions

Here’s where you’ll find specific instructions to help you prepare for and perform at-home inseminations.

While we provide general instructions on the handling of sperm vials for at-home insemination, we strongly recommend you consult with a physician or women’s healthcare professional prior to attempting this procedure. For example, timing with your menstrual cycle is an important variable in determining the success of an insemination. Please understand that it is your responsibility to appropriately maintain the specimen(s) prior to insemination. Please reference your Purchase and Storage Agreement regarding the terms of donor insemination.

While we provide general instructions on the handling of sperm vials for at-home insemination, we strongly recommend you consult with a physician or women’s healthcare professional prior to attempting this procedure. For example, timing with your menstrual cycle is an important variable in determining the success of an insemination. Please understand that it is your responsibility to appropriately maintain the specimen(s) prior to insemination. Please reference your Purchase and Storage Agreement regarding the terms of donor insemination.

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Check out our valuable resources to help you learn more about using donor sperm for your family building.

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